In the TFS group, experimental and numerical research on thermal hydraulics and convection processes of liquid metal, liquid and gas flows in energy and thermal engineering components is carried out within the framework of the HGF program Materials and Technologies for the Energy Transition (MTET).
Investigations on the safety of future reactors and transmutation plants as well as the qualification of design-related simulation codes are assigned to the KIT program Nuclear Waste Management, Safety and Radiation Research (NUSAFE). Most of the activities of the group are integrated in the Horizon Europe Framework Program of the European Union
In the HFG program Fusion, the TFS group participates in the design of advanced power conversion systems for the Balance of Plant of DEMO as well as in the thermal-hydraulic investigation and development of measurement instrumentation concepts for the lithium target in IFMIF DONES.
Within INR, the group works closely with the MET, KEK, and TSO groups in the area of experimental and numerical work, and with RPD in the area of security research.
The TFS group offers project-related master's/bachelor's theses, internships and doctoral theses in the above-mentioned research areas as well as lectures in the field and Thermofluiddynamics of laminar and turbulent flows in energy and thermal engineering components and of Ionizing Radiation.